Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bombs Away

I'm so glad that Lily is predictable. She woke me up again from 4 until 6 when I finally gave in and brought her to bed with me. sigh I didn't get all my things done yesterday. I refuse to put Lily in any dangerous situations and me driving while being chronically sleep deprived falls into that definition. I see things out of the corner of my eye all the time. I sometimes stagger around. The only roads around where we live are curvy and tree lined (with deer waiting in ambush). So I prefer to wait until I feel better. I'm certainly not in any rush.

Oh and I also wanted to let people know that if you want to see a picture bigger, just click on it. I used to take pictures in 8 megapixel mode, so some of the older ones are huge. But I've since learned that bigger isn't always better. :) And isn't Pedro a good daddy? You should see Lily's face light up when he walks into the room. :) I'm going to have to start taking more pictures of Lily. I thought oh, I have hundreds of photos but a lot of them are similar and hey, I try to keep this thing interesting. I do love this picture. The communication is ALL with the eyes. :)

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