Wednesday, April 11, 2007

American Idle

I usually try and keep things pretty happy here but I must get ugly for a moment. I have never watched American Idol. It is of no interest to me and find the enthusiasm that some people show for debating who is the best singer on the show, to be extremely annoying. However, now there's this kafuffle over Sanjaya. So now, everyday I have to look for a recap on the internet to see if he's off the show yet. I think this is the most insipid promotion ever. The Sanjaya thing has people who never watch the show, or even like the show, interested. Well that's it! I refuse to seek anymore news on the Sanjaya twerp and I rebuke American Idol and their promotional schemes! HA!

That said, Miss Lily woke me up a lot last night. So this is kind of a bluckery birthday. I think that her nighttime wake ups are either a wet diaper, or she's in an uncomfortable position. So, I'm going to try and feed her earlier (we're off to a good start today). The rest I'm not so sure about. I guess I'll have to hit the baby books. Now I have that come sail away with me song in my head. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATE: Okay, this version is waaaaay better. But the video is 4 minutes and the song is only 2 something.

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