Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I'm full! I was craving a burger. I haven't given up on eating more veggies but I've worked out 4 days in a row and my body wants something substantial. Now I'll HAVE to go to the gym tonight. :) I'm still kind of nervous about flying. Okay, not about the flying part but I don't know what to do anymore. It's been several years since I've flown. I can check-in online, but then what do I do with my bags? I know the TSA people have to check them first. One of them smells like a rat died in it. (I febreezed the CRAP out of it) I guess doing the check in online will answer a lot of questions. Cuz I'm all, where do I get my boarding pass? Sigh. I am down with all the carry on rules. I've been studying that stuff for days. :) You can even bring yogurt, as long as it's under 3 oz. Go on, ask me a question!

Achem. Anyway, I'm thinking about calling the airline tomorrow if I still have questions. I've been going over all the stuff I need, I just cleaned my wallet out of all the extra crap. I want a smooth, fast trip through security and customs. So I won't wear this shirt.

Gosh. You really have to take your shoes off to go through security. I thought they used to pull people out of line who looked suspicious. Oh well, I guess I'll wear my ladybug socks. :)


The Mom and Roxi Page said...

It's not as complicated as it sounds. Todd carried 4oz handsanitizer in his backpack. It wasn't even in a ziplock and TSA didn't even say anything. They xrayed his bag and all. Goes to show how much they are really paying attention to.

Jennifer said...

Have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

OK that shirt was kinda funny. So was the Mexico one. a-ha. OK some people have no sense of humor. :-P I'll miss your emails! :( Crap now what am I gonna do during the work day...?? Work?!?! Have a good trip! Stacy

LzyMom said...

Thanks, ladies! It's with a heavy heart that I prepare to leave my precious baby. You'd think she'd be nice and throw a tantrum so I wouldn't miss her so much... :)