Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday Facts (*stolen idea alert*)

I've enjoyed reading the Friday Facts over at lorenzgirls.

So, I've decided to borrow the idea. I'm not sure I'll be able to come up with 10 interesting facts about myself, so it will be 10 facts about Lily and me. Gosh, I'm nervous!

1) I never thought I would get married or have a child. It wasn't the direction my life was headed in. Imagine my surprise!

2) Lily learned to hit me on the head with her bathtub scoop and now she hits me on the head with everything. Sigh.

3) I went to bed with a sore throat last night and had a dream that I drank a cup of soothing warm tea. When I woke up my sore throat was gone. No lie.

4) I love to read but not in a slow casual way. I often have to read the last page so I can relax enough to continue reading the rest of the book.

5) Lily has to sleep with this one particular blanket that has long fuzzy threads. She pulls on them as she falls asleep and cannot fall asleep with another blanket in her hands.

6) Lily loves bananas.

7) Lily loves monkeys. I'm a little worried about her.

8) I hate mushrooms. It may not be that I hate the fungus itself, but my father would force me to eat them so I have a lifelong grudge against them.

9) I hated being an only child and I think that's why I don't want Lily to be one.

10) I believe in ghosts because seeing is believing. :)


Anonymous said...

I love mushrooms. Esther loved (loves) mushrooms. She ate them when she was younger than Lily and they came through intact. All these little mushrooms in her diaper. Yummmm (not).

Jennifer said...

Hey - I totally swiped Friday facts from another blogger! It's fun to write, but even more fun to read other blogger's 'facts'.

Thanks for sharing!

LzyMom said...

My dad would force me to eat all my mushrooms. I don't think they're all that tasty anyway, but his forcing made anti-mushroom for life. LIFE!

Jennifer, I'm so glad you said that. I had such a good laugh. Even if the idea isn't original, at least the facts should be. :)

The Mom and Roxi Page said...

Another awful food is baked squash. Please don't subject Lily to this. I still can't eat squash to this day. Oh and Grandma Hunt saw jesus in her hallway once.

LzyMom said...

M'Lou, Pedro wants to know if there was a stem on the mushroom. Now he says I'm rude. Me, ha. Okay, now he doesn't want to know. And women have trouble making up their minds???

Anonymous said...

Yes, the stems were on the wee mushrooms. I always try to leave the stem on. Why?

"mom and roxi" - baked squash is delicious. But personally I don't believe in forcing a child to eat anything. Trying one little taste yes, but then they should be able to decline.

Esther hated Sonia's mom, my sister Fran, because she forced her to eat some Borsht at the German Club.

We all have different tastes and they change over time. Most of the things I hated when I was a child, I love now. But not dill pickles or parsnips.

LzyMom said...

I never knew Esther hated my mom! I was forced to eat many, many things. I don't do that to Lily. Although, she has a great appetite and usually eats what I put in front of her. Last night I was picking off the red and green peppers from my pizza and she was eating them for me. :)

I was never a fan of Borsht either. :P I was thinking of doing a recipe day on here too. I just made some chicken parmigiana and it's healthy and tastes soooo good. I'll put it up if I remember. :)