Sunday, November 11, 2007


I couldn't think of a real title and Kathleen says I'm good at naming things so, Boodle it is. Yes, I'm tired. Gosh, I'm so tired I can't think of anything to write. Ummm Yes, the first outift is a tad too long but it was really cold the other night and this guaranteed Miss Lily was warm. :)

Yes, I have a messy house. Yes, I have a lot of things still to get rid of. What is it about stuff? It just seems to breed itself. Anyway, Lily does love her pink hat. It's the only one she leaves on her head. :) I think I know what my problem is. We went out for curry today and it is just NOT agreeing with me. It didn't taste as good as it usually does. By that I mean, it was really really spicy and my tummy can't take spicy anymore. Sigh. I'd like to kiss the feet of the person who invented Tums... Right after I kiss the feet of the person who invented the epidural. Right, ladies???


Anonymous said...

I don't know if stuffffff multiplies
I think as I take it out the front
door the stuff fairies are bringing stuff in the back door. I like Lily's pink hat also and her warm looking pink coat.

LzyMom said...

It's kind of scary - Lily looks like a baby still, in her long johns. But she looks like a little girl in her jeans and coat. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm kissing feet. Well, neither of the two pair you suggested would be on my personal list but hey, we all have our needs and priorities. For me one might be the person who thought of putting shots of coffee into steamed milk, adding a little flavouring and mmmmm.