Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Gosh, I thought I had posted something yesterday. Oh well. I've had other things on my mind. The diet thingie isn't going so well. For two nights in a row Pedro and I have been starving after eating dinner. Sunday night, after dinner, I made us sausage gravy and biscuits. We were THAT hungry. Last night I made myself a chik pattie and Pedro a black bean pattie, which he liked. I'm obviously going to have to eat some more protein. Tonight we're having some sausages. woohoo!

Anyway, I know Lily is the big draw. She's been sleeping until 8 in the morning. I thought maybe she wasn't getting enough sleep at night but now I think she's just so active she needs all that sleep. Pedro got a Christmas tree yesterday (I ain't calling it a holiday tree, so deal!) so I've opened up more of the house so she's not picking on the tree. She's ignored it thus far. She's had a great time stomping around. Just before 11, I was trying to walk her back to the livingroom for a snack and she cried when I didn't let her walk to the bedroom for her nap! That's never happened before. :)

Let's see.... Pedro (who was dragged kicking and screaming into eating more veggies) is now wearing his skinny jeans. We won't talk about me. I've been vicious about trying to clean out the house. Now that I can't leave stuff lying around, I can see how much stuff I don't have room for. It's tough love time for my crap. :) And no, I haven't taken any new pictures of Miss Lily. I do find it fun going through old pictures. And I don't really have the time snap photos while cleaning up and running around after her. :) Yes Mary Lou, you were right. And she's not even really running yet. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But she'll be running very soon. Very, very soon.
Even sooner.