Madilyn, formerly known as the "baby who sleeps", kind of burst my bubble last night. She ate every hour for four hours straight. She's not a fast eater so the last feed didn't finish until 1:20am. And then the next one was 4:30am. I beat the crap out of my alarm clock this morning. I needed more sleep. Fortunately, I was super organized when I got up and we made it to M's doctor's appointment.
She only gained an ounce. :P She looks good though and she's growing well. But now I have to go back next week and have her weighed again. Their scale is kind of sucky. The baby has to be on the right hand side of it. At first it showed that M lost weight. So the nurse reweighed her and moved her to the right. So really, how accurate is that thing??? She looks good to me and feels heavier to me so... :P
Anyway, now baby bootcamp must start. I'll have to put in more effort in keeping her awake during feedings and waking her up more frequently to feed. It's not a huge deal but she can go 4 to 5 hours between feedings and until she gains some weight (according to the stupid scale) that has to stop. Hopefully, that will also mean that she'll sleep more during the night. *crossing fingers*