Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm waiting for this quiet, sleeping baby to turn into something else. I know she's not even 72 hours old yet. My auntie says that second kids can be more relaxed because the parents are more relaxed. I really feel like making sure that I got sleep at the hospital, was key for me. I had a good nap today and got some sleep in between feedings last night. Feeling somewhat rested has a big impact on your mental health. I know the inevitable is coming. She'll get a cold or hit a growth spurt and we'll have a couple of rough nights. :) But I think when you know you'll get to the other side of it you can deal a little better.

She's still just sleeping and eating. We did have a little interaction today. Lily was gently rubbing M's head and M smiled at her. With here eyes open and everything. Lily just beamed. :) I almost cried (hormones!). And I'm only updating the blog because Pedro and Lily are out. Pedro is making plans for him and Lily to spend more time out of the house. At first I thought, oh yeah sure, ditch me. But it has been so nice to have 30 minutes of peace and quiet. I cannot even tell you. :)

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