Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This kills me

This is from a website that posts passive/aggressive office notes from around the world. I keep on giggling every time that I read it. I did actually make a vegan cry when I told her how good braised rabbit tastes. Then I recounted all of the animals that I have eaten: crocodile, emu, kangaroo, guinea pig, etc. Tears welled up in her eyes. So this pic just really hit home for me. :)

In other news, man it is hard to stay organized. I know, I've only been home 2 days but trying to get out the door for M's appointment this morning. whew I got up at 6 and had to leave the house by 7:55 and all of a sudden it was 7:40 and I was wolfing down my toast, trying to give M some more food (she hollered for it) and trying to get my bags and get out the door.

Speaking of which, Miss Madi has been an eating machine today. She was also awake most of the time, between 6 and 10 this morning. AND she slept 4 hours between feeds last night. SWEET! Oh and she looks great. She's gained some weight, her yellowyness is going away, and she's just an all around good baby. She was entertaining herself by looking in the baby mirror this morning too. She's just a delight to watch and be around. :)


stacy said...

Then I'd probably make her cry too. Aside from the 'normal' meats like pork, beef and chicken, and fish (does that count?), I've eaten moose, alligator and buffalo. And venison. My mom has eaten squirrel and rabbit....

LzyMom said...

So we're on the win team! And you worked with her too....

Stacy said...

oh...was it Krista? I didn't know of any vegans working here...

LzyMom said...

You used to work with her. Michelle? She left after I started. Small wonder... heee :)

Stacy said...

Oh okay, the one that had the...um, different...wedding...never knew she was vegetarian.

Anonymous said...

Great g-ma Wilma sucked the eyeballs out of squirrel, rabbits and hog with great relish. Great great g-ma Sarah enjoyed opossum and great aunt Shirley cooked bear. :):):):)
Madi is a sweet nick name. Have a great day Super Woman of the birthing room. Love g-ma

LzyMom said...

I can honestly say that I've never eaten eyeballs. Well, I mean, not on purpose. You never know what's in the Colonel's secret spices...