Friday, March 27, 2009


I rented a Winnie the Pooh dvd from Netflix and Lily just adores it. Did I mention this already? Maybe to Stacy. Anyway, it's the old one. I don't hold with the new series. At all. Anyway, yesterday I made some strawberry pie. I am extraordinarily proud of myself. I made the crust from scratch and even whipped up the whipped cream. It's quite yummy but I had so much of it yesterday that I'm not sure I'm going to have any today. It was a fresh fruit pie so I'm going to have to chuck it today anyway. They don't last long.

Let's see, I always think of interesting things to write as I'm falling asleep and then forget about them when I'm in front of the computer. I did have a strange dream last night. I was playing old records and getting down with some old R&B classics. Then I grabbed this one record and thought, I used to have this. I flipped it over and it said "Buccaneer Songs". Then I woke up. I would've liked to have heard a record of old pirate songs. :)

Today we're going to try to make it to play group. So far, we're looking good. Oh what isn't looking good is the carpet. I told Lily to go pee pee in the potty but she decided to go in front of the dresser again. I made her stomp on the towel to get the liquid up. But when I told her (nicely) that she was supposed to go in the potty she started talking to me like no one had ever told her that before, and how was she supposed to know? *eye roll* She is talking a lot more, with a lot more comprehension. She'll call for her daddy and I'll say he's gone to work so she says "daddy gone".

Well, maties (ha!) I'd better get this old ship ready to sail (to playgroup). I hope everyone has a good Friday.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Yeah you told me. :) B/c that one scene was touching. We have that on DVD or VHS somewhere too...Silly Old Bear. :) Poor Lily, you can tell she doesn't feel good in the latest pics. :( The pie looks good!