Lily had a day full of new experiences. So let the Friday Facts begin:
1. Daddy took Lily out into the snow, while she was in her pjs. She loved it. Me, not so much.
2. I gave Lily some kiwi fruit today, thinking she would probably reject it. The little sneak tried to eat all the rest! What a good baby. :) For eating fruit, I mean, not for eating her mommy's snacks!
3. I finally cut up a whole pineapple. For some reason, I thought that cutting a pineapple was a lot of work. I think my dad may have said something along those lines. It took me 5 minutes. I added some fresh pineapple to the carrot cake that Pedro's taking to work.
4. I made my own cream cheese frosting. We'll see what the jury has to say about it tomorrow. :) That totally just reminded me that there used to be this store in the Vancouver area called Suzy Creamcheese. Yes, the clothes were fairly tacky and the stores were usually in suburban malls. Oh, memories. :)
5. Okay, I did a little research on Suzy Creamcheese and it was a character in a Frank Zappa song. ha! This fact would be about how good I am at research.
6. I've had two editing jobs. I'm so pedantic that I love going through things that other people have created and finding what they did wrong. I clap my hands with glee when people screw up the it's/its, there/they're/their, you're/your, etc. contractions. I'm also pretty good at spotting typos. After all, I have to catch my own. :)
I'm getting kind of tired and I need to go to bed, so these are going to be cheap, not well thought out facts:
7. The other day I missed Thomas, the pukey neurotic cat I gave to my auntie. I don't remember what it was that made me think of him, but it was a fond memory and those aren't all that frequent with respect to him. :)
8. Lily brushes her own teeth (but I still need to do the "real" cleaning).
9. I have never been sure how to use a comma. I'm a little better at it after reading Eat, Shoots and Leaves a dozen times. That is one extremely funny grammar book. Now should it have been "extremely, funny grammar book"? "extremely, funny, grammar book"???? Sigh
10. I make new names up for Lily everyday. I don't know if she notices or not. Right now, I use Stompington and Stinkleton. Did I mention that I like my names to summarize certain behaviors or, umm, odors?
Happy Friday! Wait, that's not Lily! How did that picture of hunky Clive Owens get in here?? Thanks, e-online (I don't have the millions that Perez Hilton does - so don't sue!)
Thomas hardly pukes anymore and I have never thought of him as neurotic. He is an adorable little(?)fellow. And SMART! He is learning to talk. He says May-ree-loo and right-now. And sometimes Mary-ree-loo-right-now. Other times he just says right-now, right-now, right-now. All this while he is dancing around his food bowl.
At Christmas of course he wouldn't perform but the day before she left, Terri was sitting quietly in the kitchen when I came in and she heard him. I'll admit you have to be listening for it.
Are you part of the CCDL? (Canadian Cat Defense League) Thomas was quite pukey and neurotic when I sent him to you. I'm glad he's mellowed out and learned some words. :)
How do you tell if a cat is neurotic? Sounds like a case of projection to me. :)
This morning I was lying in bed trying to put off the inevitable. I had grumped at Thomas so he was avoiding the bedroom. I heard a sqeeky may-ree-loo and a moment later it became a wail... may-ree- looooooooooooo. I got up and saw to his needs before hitting the bed again.
I have bronchitis and am really sick - very weak, horrible cough, fever, the whole enchilada.
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