Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to Normal

Pedro had his 11 days off and thankfully he's gone back to work! I love him, but gosh he mucked with our routine. I've got Lily back to falling asleep before 8pm. Whew! I also got rid of the Christmas tree on New Year's Day so we have our hang out area back to normal. Double whew. The fireplace has been a real blessing lately. I don't think it got above freezing today. brrrrr! I know, all my Canadian homies are NOT impressed. :)

You can see where Lily stashes things in this picture. I watch her like a hawk while she eats, to prevent her from stuffing food in the sofa. I imagine 3 day old organic smoked turkey sandwich meat might stink. Oh, I should try to get a video of it - Lily is trying so hard to talk. She can say a few words but she's saying the same sounds over and over again and I'm guessing she's making a mighty effort to communicate. Although, I can't figure out what "Sho shush eno" means.

The words that Lily can say:

- No
- Mum-mum (that's me, I've upgraded from Num-num)
- Daddy!
- See!
- Hiyee! (Riley)
- Hi (she said it today when she came in the living room)

The words that Lily knows (besides the ones above):

- Don't touch!
- Cookie
- Come on
- Get out of the kitchen! (okay, maybe she just picks up on my tone of voice)
- Come here
- Bye bye
- Sit down!
- I love you (hey I have 2 witnesses to the time she said that back to me!)

I'm sure she knows other words but I probably haven't witnessed her reaction to them. Oh and in the BG picture, you're supposed to see Lily scaling the chair in the background. :) I have another appointment with the toe doc tomorrow. It's just to make sure everything is healing up okay. :) And it is. Trust me, if there was something I would have splattered the gory details all over this here blog!



Momisodes said...

Isn't it a bummer they can usually say "daddy" with such clarity before "mommy"? So. not. fair.

ROFL at the food stashing in the couch!! I guess that's why my dog comes in handy. He's a k-9 Hoover ;)

LzyMom said...

See, I knew there was a good reason to get a dog. That and I'd never have to wash my face again, ha!

I think the problem with "daddy" is that we say it all the time "here comes daddy, say hi to daddy" so if I do have #2, it's going to be all mommy, all the time. :)