Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I am feeling sort of better. No, that's not true. I'm feeling more run down but I'm happy because I'm not coughing as much. I think I coughed about a half an hour straight (or so it felt) last night. After I had taken cough syrup, even. hmpf! Anyway, for your viewing pleaseure today (I know it's a typo but I like it - say it out loud ple-see-ur) a video of Lily and BG "boxing".

I know the pictures are screwed up (they ask you to open up a viewer instead of just opening) apparently Blogger is working on it.


The Mom and Roxi Page said...

BG is a pretty gentle boxer. he's wacking her hard but not using his claws. Godd kitty.

The Mom and Roxi Page said...

BG is a pretty gentle boxer. he's wacking her hard but not using his claws. Godd kitty.

LzyMom said...

Well, BG doesn't have any claws on his front feet. I'm sure he'd still be a good boy and not scratch her though. :) He has bitten her but in a you're-going-too-far way and not a die! kind of way. :)

Anonymous said...

I love Lily's gutzy laugh. She and BG were really going at it. He was hitting hard and she was loving it.

Dream Waker said...

what a joyful sound to hear just before going out into the big world,
I ask that your day be blessed.