Thursday, May 8, 2008

PLAP!!! (the other shoe dopping)

Miss Lily is sick. She was plugged up last night but slept okay once we suctioned out her nose. One of those fun parenting jobs. :) Today she's had a runny nose and she's been coughing, but nothing too bad. She enjoyed our walk today. She had a blanket over her and relaxed and yelled at the trees. :)

In other news, she has a cute thing thing she does. Like, THE CUTEST THING EVAH! kind of a deal. With her eyes closed, Lily grabs the corner of her blanket, then grabs a foot and rubs the soft corner up and down her foot until she falls asleep. It's too adorable. I taught her how to do that to her face today too. :) She's a tactile little thing.

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