Sunday, July 1, 2007


I have to do this quickly. It's our anniversary today so we want to go out for lunch and also get some more baby things. Lily needs a bathmat and some more bath toys. :) She absolutely loves her nighttime bath. :) Anyway, isn't this the cutest picture ever?????

Well, alright, the cutest for today. :) Lily was a cranky thing yesterday. I don't know why. I gave up on cheering her up and just let her be a grouch. Of course, she is getting 3 new teeth so that MIGHT have something to do with it...


The Mom and Roxi Page said...

Evening baths help babies sleep. try on of those baby bath cahirs they are great. They keep the babies from tipping head first into yhe water. Thanks for the pic

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture. Babies love their baths. Hope you find some fun toys for her to enjoy in the bath - you'll never get her out.

Happy Anniversary and Happy CANADA DAY!

Anonymous said...

Soooooo talented and a mermaid also.

Love Grandma