Oh Miss Lily. She's started chewing whole heartedly on her crib. You should be able to see the vertical gouges a couple of inches from her hand. I don't think I could do that with my teeth! What am I to do with this child??? Maybe she'd chew on those dried pork ears from the pet store. Just a thought.
Yes Lily, you're very tough. She's been wearing me out today. She stole some of my lunch. Alright, I shared but only under duress. She likes peas and mashed potatoes, apparently. She wore herself out too, judging by the picture below.
Yes, she is sleeping. I think she bends over to rest her head for a second and then passes out. I moved her onto her side. I want/need her to sleep for a while! Daddy and I are going to have to switch bedrooms. He doesn't wake up as often with Lily and she sleeps through his snoring. I find the futon more comfy. Have I already blogged about this??? I don't remember. MORE SLEEP PLEASE!!!!
I used to give Esther the large dog sized milk bones to chew on. Much better than arrowroot or other so called teething biscuits. The milk bones don't go to mush.
Shoot. I keep meaning to get her some dog bones. She chews on everything right now and some of it can't be good for her teeth. I've got my grocery list right in front of me.... Dog bones. Check. :)
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