Tuesday, March 11, 2008

First Day...

without margarine on my toast. Sigh. I've been working out for a month now and I still haven't lost an appreciable amount of weight. I know that I like lifting weights and so my muscles might be heavier, but looking at that unchanging number has got me down. So I'm implementing more draconian measures... I've started logging what I eat and I've been shocked to see it's the little things that add up. The coffee creamer, the margarine, etc. For me, toast without margarine is like... well, it's just unthinkable that the two don't go together.

In other food news, Pedro has eaten three bananas in the last week or so. I know, right? He hates fruit but he was hungry one night and he didn't feel like making anything so he ate a banana (ready to eat). I guess he liked it. In other other news, Pedro has lost more weight than I have. GRRRRR

In Lily news, I really need to watch what I do around her. I was trying to find a poopy diaper that rolled away after the change and BG came along and stuffed his butt in my face. There happened to be an empty knapsack beside me so I walloped him in the butt with it. Well, who was right beside me? Who picked up the knapsack and chased BG down the hall with it? Sigh. I don't think it works well to teach a child by saying "don't do what I do". Lead by example. Sigh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL :):):):):):):):):):)
Love g-ma