Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I think it said this is post #333. Wow. That's a lot of Lily pictures. But not right now. I'm too full of mac & cheese to go and get my camera. :) On the good side of things, I'm losing weight a lot more quickly, which is confusing considering how many treats I've had since Easter. On the boo side of things, my old tooth hurts. I guess all my teeth are the same age, but I'm referring to old blood and guts, the one that caused me to hemorrhage during my root canal and take beaucoup meds. Lorcets are pretty fun.

Anyhoo, I took Lily to the gym this morning, hoping that after a few rounds with playgroups, she wouldn't cry. Sigh. She didn't cry as much. I did get to work out for close to 40 minutes. I'm planning on going back tonight (mostly to burn off the mac and cheese!) Actually, my mac & cheese is mac & cheese & cheese. I always throw in extra cheese. Doesn't everyone? Today it was low fat mozzarella. yummmmm

I think I leave for Vancouver in 2 weeks. It's got me a little wound up. I'm also worried about having an infected tooth and how that will feel on the plane. I've been there before with old B&G. Not fun. I do have a dentist appointment tomorrow and a list of questions/comments on how things feel. Honestly, this tooth has caused me so much anguish. I wish I had gotten really drunk one night and just ripped it out with pliers. THAT would have been an interesting trip to the ER. :)

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