Tuesday, June 24, 2008


That's what Pedro just called me. Cuz you know, taking care of an exuberant 20 month old, and going to school at night makes me a lazy person. Not to mention that I'm the only one who knows how to load the dishwasher and the washing machine.... Take that.

What? Who's the cute kid? That would be me. Actually, I have to admit that I look a little funny in some pictures. I was definitely not the beauty that Lily is. She is SO funny. I went to the beauty supply store today, which was closed for a little bit. So Lily wanted to go for a walk. We walked quite a ways and she wanted to go into Kroger (a grocery store). Anyway, on the way there, she kept on stopping and being funny with people. There was this one guy standing outside a store smoking a cigarette. He didn't look threatening or anything but he did have a wonky eye. She walked right up to him, shrugged really dramatically and walked on. He looked at me and just laughed.

I did have a good night in class. I'm getting better. yay!!! There are a lot of people with drama though and I get tired of hearing about it. If your boyfriend hits you and you let him back in your home, and this keeps going on and on and on.... I think some people just like the drama. I'm at a pretty settled stage in my life so I just don't even want to HEAR about it. You know? I might start bringing my MP3 player. :P Wouldn't that be a kicker if beauty schools had to start initiating personality tests???

Did I mention that I've started Weight Watchers? Just on my own. Sarah hooked me up with the basic stuff I need. I do get irritated counting points all day. I get so frustrated that I don't eat cuz I don't want to have to figure out the points. Which I guess, is one way to lose weight. :P


The Mom and Roxi Page said...

I always said Lilly looked like her mommy. Well the fist pic on this blog clip proves it. I was wondering who's that guy holding lilly on the table. Then I thought when did Lilly go to Vancouver, and then it registered when I read on. OHHHHHH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww....I think you were a cute baby. :) (stacy)

LzyMom said...

Nicole - :) I do look a bit like her in the first picture. I think it's because I was in a sassy pose.

And thanks Stacy!

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. You were an adorable baby. I love the saucy little kick at the beach and the bright beautiful little face beside the birthday cake.
Love G-ma

Anonymous said...

By the way, Missy you are a beautiful
woman now.
Love G-ma

LzyMom said...

Thanks, Sarah. Thankfully, I'm still full of saucy kicks. :)