Saturday, June 28, 2008


We went shopping today and spent some new shoe money. Lily loves these kitchen thingies. She plays with them all the time. I held out getting one, because you know how kids love a toy, then you get it home and the play with it for 5 minutes and that's it. You know?

Anyway, I got her that and a doodle pad. You know, they don't use crayons? She loves those too. Unfortunately, I think she's going to have to wrestle it from daddy.

Let's see... in other news, I lost 4.5 pounds! What, what! I know, in 5 days. I've been pretty strict about the points and some nights I don't use them all and go to bed hungry. (whilst cursing at Weight Watchers). It does work though. We went to a buffet and I had a big plate of salad, a little bit of chicken and the smallest slice of sweet potato pie you have ever seen. Which Lily ate half of. So I'm doing pretty well. This is the lowest I've weighed since I gave birth to Lily. I'm pretty proud of myself and I want to keep on going. :) I'm just a royal you-know-what.

And yes, in the picture, Lily is practicing to make margaritas. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you should be proud of yourself! That's quite an accomplishment. :) And I want a Lily margarita...followed by one of mommy's (real) margaritas! LOL (stacy)