Friday, February 1, 2008

No Comment

I know everyone has lives and responsibilities but can't someone leave a comment or two?? Sniff. It's hard work taking pictures of Lily and then trying to write something witty and creative. Anyway, I ate too much for dinner so I'd better finish this up before I fall into a food coma.

I've been so hungry lately. I'm not sure if it's because we eat light and so I never feel really stuffed. I made spaghetti tonight and I pilfered the cupboards to find three little cans of sauce. I kind of like those meals. I feel a little bit like a pioneer. Hey, at least I cook my meals. I refuse to buy the ready to eat meals on the shelves. blech!

Let's see... Lily has this habit where she gets right up in my face, shakes her finger at me while saying "don't do it!". I don't think I point that much, actually. She's such an embellisher. No, I didn't mess with her hair today. She woke up with funky hair this morning and her nap really put it over the top. :) hmmm For some reason, my pictures aren't loading. Now I'll have to describe everything. ARGH!

Oh whew, things are working again. Now where was I.... Pedro is watching a video on youtube called Pedro and Frankensheep. I cannot concentrate. Anyway, Lily really loves BG. He is so starved for attention that he puts up with her shenanigans. :)

I know I had something to write about. Let's see, Lily hair, dinner, finger pointing, fridge. hmmm I did fix Lily's hair. I found that her baby comb is completely ineffective for tangled hair. hmpf Well, I think I'll leave it at that. The internet is really really slow. booo hissss


Jennifer said...

Her hair! Too funny.

Hope you have a great

Anonymous said...

No comment.

LzyMom said...

I don't know why I think Lily looks cuter with wild hair. :)

You have a good weekend too and enjoy the Super Bowl! (If that's your thing)