Saturday, February 2, 2008

I remember!

Okay, I finally remembered what I was going to write about last night. People with foot calluses, listen up! I bought some diamond dust foot files. They are awesome! My feet are actually soft. I don't have time to soak my feet for 30 minutes and then scrub like mad. These you use on dry skin. Of course, as the skin comes off, it may look like it's snowing, but that's a small price to pay. Five stars!!!

This morning, Lily got a hold of my coffee mug. Pedro found it on my chair. No spills or anything. But she pointed to something and said "See!" and he smelled her coffee breath. Sigh. What are you supposed to do with kids, anyway?

I had a rough morning. I don't follow football so it took me a bit to figure out that the mobs of people at all the grocery stores were getting food for the Super bowl tomorrow. A honking fight broke out for my spot after I left Whole Foods. Jeesh. OH and I was really good today. I forgot to eat breakfast and I was so hungry in town but I waited until I got to Whole Foods and then I hit the salad bar. It's like I couldn't comprehend eating any crappy fast food. I think my mind and body are finally in agreement! So to reward myself, I got a chocolate bar. HA!


Anonymous said...

I visited. No comment.

LzyMom said...

Well, M'Lou, it's nice to see that you're alive and keeping tabs on Miss Lily. :)

Anonymous said...

I visited again. Again no comment other than yes, I am alive and not enjoying the attentions of my two gentlemen friends this morning or I would not yet be out of bed. I have fed them, cleaned their litter and given them some lovin' so now I return to bed - hopefully to sleep.