Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I kind of ran out of posting gas. ummm I mean I ran out of energy. I've been trying to update my resume and apply for jobs online. I forgot how much work it is to look for work! I want something part-time, weekends only. If anyone is reading this... :) I was looking through old pictures and even if I don't have a job to show for my efforts I can be proud of a few other things.

Namely, I got rid of that little pain in the *ss, Thomas. Just kidding. :) But in the picture, he's sitting on a pile of books, which are piled on top of a filing cabinet. The filing cabinet and the books are no longer here. I've put a lot of work into getting the house cleaned out. Of course, it keeps on getting filled up with Lily toys but that's neither here nor there. :)

In Lily news... The poor thing is getting a molar in. She wakes up at night sobbing, even after some Tylenol. :( Hopefully, it will be over soon. She was awake from midnight to 2am. I gave in and took her to bed. It took a while to calm her down. phew Do you get medals for this parenting thing??? I've earned something! And not just my new gray hair and wrinkles. Oh and more importantly, it's raining! It's raining! It's been raining all day and it's going to rain all night. We're in a drought watch so this is awesome. :)


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I have the little pain in the patoot now! But he is a cutie and a keeper. He has a great capacity for love and snuggles in close to keep me warm.

LzyMom said...

I'm glad someone loves Thomas as much as I used to. :) I'll try and post something tomorrow. I'm dealing with a sinus infection so I'm not feeling very chipper. Just ask Pedro.