Thursday, August 30, 2007


Since the princess is snoozing I thought I'd complain about my day. I woke up at 2:30am with a toothache - the bottom right side of my mouth was throbbing (no dirty comments M'lou). By the time I fell asleep again the fire alarm went off at 5:30. Thankfully, there was no fire. Pedro and I both checked. Back to bed. Then it went off again at 5:45. I didn't even bother to get up. hmpf

I had to go to the dentist again to get another impression for my biteguard which is loose. I have to live a week without my biteguard! I may not have any teeth left! I am a grinder, what can I say (no comments, M'lou). Boy oh boy my eyelids feel heavy. I'd better go and wake up Miss Lily from her afternoon nap so she isn't awake all night. Yes, we went back to the old routine today. YAWN!

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