It's been quite the day. Lily woke me up at 4 and didn't fall asleep until 6 this morning. argh. She's been Jekyll and Hyde all day. Right now she's happily playing. She's taken a move or two crawling but you can tell it makes her nervous. :)
Alright, I heard B.G. maniacally scratching the front door and saw him watching THIS. They were awfully, ummmm, motivated. I'm going to have baby skinks!!!! In other news, I gave Miss Lily some banana baby yogurt for her snack. I think I'm going to have to up her solid food intake.
And poor B.G. I shut the front door to give the skinks some privacy. My front porch has been the scene of some in flagrante delicto. I guess I'll have to hose it down. :) Oh and I'm watching Miss Lily launching herself across the floor. It's almost crawling. :) I just hope she tires herself out with her playing so she sleeps alllllllll night. :)
I don't understand the part about YOU having the baby skinks. The papa skink is doing the mama skink so shouldn't see be the one having the baby skinks? Wonder if she will have as much trouble raising her brood as we do our singlets...
They're mine in a property ownership kind of way. :) I doubt I'll ever see the babies. I still see the male around the front porch. I think he's gotten, err, cocky. ha!
Maybe he's hoping to get lucky again. Only you would post a picture of fornicating skinks. hehe. Of course, I was quite interested and happy that you did.
I'm actually quite proud of myself. It's a clear interesting picture. There's lots of details without it being "gross". Of course, I'm not pursuing a career in nature porn so this will probably be the one and only pic. :) I just wanted to show proof that there will be baby skinks in my future!
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