Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Not to be melodramatic or anything. I feel so awful today. I might be getting a cold - I'm all achy. Add that to being woken up last night and I want to fall asleep and stay that way for days. But I don't have that option so I get to eat lots of cookies.

Let's see, Riley threw up on the curtains this morning. Lily is behaving herself. A few birds have discovered the bird bath. Oh, I made an awesome video of Lily last night. She was mouthing off, crawling, doing some yoga, frowning, crawling more, etc. I'm not allowed to post any videos to youtube so I took a picture from the video to show her frown. It's more impressive in the video. You see, she finally looked up and saw me filming her. You know how kids refuse to do anything on demand and I was getting great footage. So anyway, she frowned in 3 parts. It still makes me giggle to see it. :)

At least Riley is earning his kibble today. Lily keeps "chasing" him. He walks from one side of the room to the other. She follows behind with a 2 minute delay. It means I get a small break. whew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lily has entered that stage where she is more cognizant of the actions of those around her. She also is evolving into the individual she will become and so she is going to start letting you know how she feels in different ways.

When she was an infant she knew only to cry for attention. Now she has many choices and she will explore them for the best result. What fun.

Thank you for keeping us posted and I hope your 'cold' is short lived. And keep outta the cookies.