Sunday, July 5, 2009

Today was a good day

Although, shortly after posting how quiet everything was, something brown hit the fan. M threw up, Lily tore apart the sofa. Oh, Pedro was still sleeping soundly, not to worry. I'm looking forward to that doc's appointment tomorrow. Just for some answers. Not because I like the doctor's office. :P Anyway, for some reason (and there's always a reason) Miss Lily was crying.

I think I may have given birth to a reincarnated gangsta. She's been waking up more and more during the day. As long as we feed her slowly and keep her upright, she doesn't seem to spit up as much. She did roll over this morning. Right onto her belly. I tried to tell her that 15 day old babies don't do that. I'm not going to get a break with her. I remember with Lily there were at least a few months where I could put her down and be fully confident she would be right where I left her. I don't have that with M. That's okay, it just means I'll have to tell everyone who watches her not to leave her anyplace that she could roll off of....

And this is grumpy face when she's awake. That's a great picture, right? She is actually the easiest baby to care for - barfing excluded. I think Pedro has figured out that it's easier to watch M than L. :)

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