Sunday, July 5, 2009

Quiet Time

Pedro & Madilyn are asleep. Lily and I are about to head out to get our Sunday papers. I'm still not getting a lot of sleep. Pedro had insomnia so I gave a wide awake M to him at 2 in the morning. Unfortunately, he woke me up at 3:30 after she barfed. He fed her, right after I fed her. We're still figuring out her cues. I knew she had just eaten, but P didn't. We'll get there.

M is starting to wake up more predictably. No more 5 or 6 hour naps. I remember that it took quite a few weeks to get Lily to sleep longer through the night. They just don't have big tummies when they're first born. At least with M starting more of a routine, I might be able to get a couple of more naps during the week. :)

I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th. I got some cleaning done. :)

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