Saturday, September 15, 2007


Or blossoming? Lily is a trip. Daddy said she woke up a few times last night and he had to put her down about 3 times and she went right to sleep. So we're definitely on the right path. I know there will be ups and downs but I'm so glad that I found a way to get her to sleep that didn't involve letting her scream her head off for hours!!!!

The above picture is her napping today. Actually, this one is as well. Daddy took her to bed with him, although that's against the rules. I mean, while sleep training. She needs to get used to falling asleep in and staying asleep in her crib. But I forgive him, she's pretty darn cute when she's asleep.

Lily has been hilarious today. I've let her have the run of the house. She's been crawling from one end of the house to the other for most of the day. Now she's all in chatter mode. I have a video of that and I hope it works this time!!!!!!!!!

Let's see. Today she was on the floor and close to daddy so she held up her arms and said "da da". Smarty pants! She's also been standing on her own for longer and longer periods of time. Sigh. Walking should be just around the corner. :)

Alright, the video didn't work AGAIN! I'm going to have to email the gods at blogger. :P


Anonymous said...

We finally get to see this little baby. And it looks like she is well taken care of. Hopefully we can stay in touch with you more than we have done.

LzyMom said...

Yay, Margie & Helmut! I guess Mary Lou showed you the blog?? I hope you guys had a great visit and that all is well with everyone!