Sunday, January 18, 2009


We had fun last night. I don't know if I dare call them family nights but lately we've been going more often to the downtown mall. It's the oldest part of Cville and is closed to traffic. All the cool stores are down there. :) I had a craving for both noodles and pizza. Fortunately the two are just a couple of doors apart. The noodle shop was packed and Pedro got us a table for two. Lily didn't even fuss. She sat on my lap and shoveled noodles in her face as fast as she could. She's so like her daddy. :) Then we went to get the slice of pizza. I don't know what it is about this crust. None of the chains can do it. I think the downtown place rolls the dough out in cornmeal? It's just extra crunchy and something. As soon as I took a bite I was like, ahhhhh. I ditched Pedro and Lily cuz they weren't walking back to the car fast enough and it was below freezing out. I wanted my pizza warm! I did share with pudding face. She ate a lot of it. I know, I know. We had noodles and pizza, hardly a healthy night out but you know what? We had fun. :P

Oh and it's funny that I mentioned the pizza place to the other mom in the playgroup who's pregnant. She can't get enough of Christian's either. :) Christian's pizza, that is. It seems funny to me that most times I won't make much of an effort to go out cuz I'll think about parking or the traffic. When I have a pregnancy craving I will move heaven and earth to get my dang pizza. And it was nice to walk around a bit. :) The best part is watching Lily. She loves going out and feels at home in a big crowd. Very unlike the rest of us.

Anyway, I need to get some breakfast and start cleaning the house. I'm hoping to keep this week lowkey but I still have a lot of things on my plate. Getting a CPA, mailing my passport application, talking to a real estate agent. None of it impossible but just hard to do on top of my other work load (Lily). I'm also looking forward to going out Tuesday night for an inauguration party. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How enchanting a happy family night out. How wonderful :):):) g-ma