Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Well yesterday I wrote a witty post about how my daughter had slept through the night and then I forgot to hit the publish button. oops So I have no recollection as to what I thought was interesting yesterday. This is mostly due to the fact that Lily did NOT sleep through the night last night. I had to flake out on a friend and not meet her for lunch because I do not have the energy. I'm trying to stay away from my bed because it's singing a beautiful siren's song to me. Of course crashing onto my pillow (versus sharp rocks) isn't such a bad thing...

In other news, Lily has figured out how to drink out of her sippy cup. I know this isn't earth shattering but she's very fussy about the shapes of things that go into her mouth so I was excited that she put it in her mouth and drank some apple juice out of it. She still doesn't seem so keen on the juice... Silly babies.

Oh and in the happy news department, the lost boy scout was found. Was he in W Va? I know it's sad he was lost in the first place. Oh and I think tomorrow Britain is going to pass some legislation to protect gays and lesbians from persecution in the workplace, etc. Of course some religious people are upset because it interferes with their right to persecute against said gays and lesbians. You just can't please everybody.

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