This is what little Miss Lily is doing at this precise moment in time. I like her butt in the air - very amusing. And she is snoring slightly with her mouth open. I do put her on her back to sleep but I believe that if she's capable of rolling on her stomach (and somehow turning sideways), then she's capable of sleeping on her stomach. Stomach sleeping is a big deal for SIDS. I think since babies have been put on their back to sleep SIDS has dropped like 50%? That's a lot of babies saved. But my turbomonster is so big that SIDS hasn't been a worry. I wonder if there are stats about the size of babies and the occurrence of SIDS?
Here is a picture to prove how much she looks like her daddy. I took it last night. Oh yeah, have I mentioned yet that Lily was 11 pounds, 1 ounce at birth? I guess that's what you get when you marry a 6'6" guy. Live and learn folks. Wait, and I want to have another one?
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