Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Wow, I was hit with the insomnia brick last night. I think I might have fallen asleep around 4:30 but then Lily started waking up around 5:30 so... I'm a mess today. At least we're a little more on our usual schedule. Daylight savings time is annoying, to say the least. I did manage to take some pictures of the buzzards across the street with a little bit of the moon in the background this morning. I am not grossed out by buzzards. If you saw all the roadkill that accumulates around here you'd be thankful for buzzards too. Deer carcasses STINK! And those nice big buzzards just yumm that stink up. :) Okay, I'm a little weird.

They (the buzzards) usually roost in the back yard and I love watching them in the evenings swooping down and all trying to land in one tree. Not all at the same time, which is interesting to think about - do they have a landing order? Or is it the first one gets the best branch?

Lily is having a wee snooze. Since I was so tired this morning I wanted to keep our activities low key so "we" read some books. She is getting really good at turning the pages. Granted these are pages from board books, but still she's a pretty smart kid. :) This is what she was doing yesterday when I went into check on her napping. Naughty baby!

Oh the mail truck arrived! My first Netflix movie should be there! Woot! And what movie did I pick for my virginal movie delivery?? Bubba Hotep. Yes, I'm special.

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