Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's on

So I talked to my doc and had some blood drawn.  Unfortunately, she and I get along too well and I forgot to ask her what tests she was going to have done.  I know I asked her about Lyme's disease.  I think there's a bunch that she does for ladies in my age group. 

I don't know what's worse: finding something wrong or finding nothing wrong.

I can get 7 hours of sleep at night and then crash for a 4 hour nap the same day.  And I used to take a while to fall asleep.  As far as I can remember, I've been a light sleeper.  Now?  I fall asleep and stay that way.  I am out in seconds.  Pedro called me and woke me up this morning and I was asleep before I finished turning back over.  It's crazy.

Then there's the joint pain that's worse before I get up.  I'm not sure what's going on.  Sigh.  But I think I've given myself enough time to get over it. 

I'm taking the girls to their doctor in a bit.  Madi still has a nasty cough and Lily constantly complains of a stomach ache.  I even took her to the nurse's office at school today.  You know, I'm mostly sure that it's anxiety causing her issues but I just want to rule things out. 


And Brewster is trying very hard to mooch some of my chicken enchiladas.

Not. Happening.


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