Thursday, September 25, 2008


Wow, I'm not sure if I'm having problems with youtube this morning, or if Comcast is being the pain in the butt they promised to be and slowing down my connection. HMPF!

Suck it Comcast, we're switching to Embarq. And we hate Embarq. So, burn.....

Anyway, just in case the post doesn't work or it looks weird or something, you'll know.

Yesterday I talked to M'Lou on the phone and to get Lily to talk I asked her to say "bye Mary Lou". She said "bye M'bou". It was TOO cute for words. :)

Lily keeps on taking her diapers off. I really have to keep up with her or there are "accidents". Yet she refuses to sit on the potty. She shrieks and points to her diaper. So potty training is going very slowly. :P

In the bad news department, Lily's great-grandma died. We tried for the last two months to get up and see her but it just didn't happen. So Lily and I never got to meet her! I heard she was a pretty great lady so I hope she rests in peace. :)

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