Boy, am I tired. Lily's been sick all week. Yes, I know, poor Lily. But I just got up from a two and a half hour nap (it would have been longer if Pedro's hairdresser hadn't called and woken me up), and I feel like I need to sleep five more hours. She hasn't been sleeping through the night and her naps have been erratic. Lily, not the hairdresser.
Lily's been having a lot of tantrums lately too. Some of them I attribute to her being sick but some of them might be because she's inching her way closer to two. I'm still sort of stuck as to what to do. I put her in time out to get control over herself. Last Friday she threw a major tantrum, I mean she was crying and crying. It felt like it went on for hours and nothing I did helped. I finally just ignored her and within 15 minutes she was calm.
I swear this parenting stuff is hard. As soon as you figure things out, they change. I did buy this book, 1 2 3 Magic, which I honestly did not figure out was the counting stuff. Der. It's helping. I loved the advice that any bad behavior the child does that you pay a lot of attention to, they are guaranteed to repeat. I remember seeing that one day myself. :) Anyway, happy long weekend to everyone (who's got one). Peace out!
And Lily got into the kitchen drawers and pulled out some chopsticks with which to eat her lunch. Sigh.