That cake is the schizzle! I didn't think Pedro's friends were coming out today so I had a slice of the raspberry drip cake (I paid!). My word. It's like, raspberry mousse on the outside, covered by a thick layer of chocolate. There are 3 layers, the top two are regular but the bottom one is chocolate. In between the layers are thick gobs of raspberry jelly. Seriously, this cake kicks butt.
I'm going to have to make Pedro take the rest of the cake with him to work tomorrow cuz I could totally kill my diet with this thing. I was really proud of Lily - I gave her two bites and then she didn't want anymore. She turned her attention back to her yogurt. I think that's what I'm really proud of - she likes sweets but knows when to stop. :) I could use some of her restraint.
So here's what I've been working on for forever (or so it feels like). You can see the old color (salmon? pink?) on the left wall. The new color is dead ahead. Nice? It does look nice with all the trim (almost) up to snuff. I just have to paint the long hallway, the diningroom, the bathroom... Sigh. I think I should junk that cheap old mirror that I've had since I was 13. But then I think, I've had it since I was 13! Anyway, all you creative people out there, any ideas on wall decorations???
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