Well, of course, now I don't have any. I was driving the girls to school this morning and a weird one popped in my head. I swear I'm going to start writing them down on the back of my hand. And this morning's was a good one too. Sigh. Well, all of this rain is reminding me of Vancouver. When I'd come home and it was still raining, I'd get all of my rain gear on and head out to stomp in the puddles. I had the coolest see-through umbrella that dropped really low. It was like being inside of a capsule that came to my waist. Hard to explain. Obviously. Did a great job keeping the rain off AND I could see where I was going. Anyway, I was a latch-key kid so I could pretty much do what I want until my parents came home.
That's something I had to consider. Lily is 6 and I struggled with letting her get off the school bus even if I wasn't there. The school is good about taking that stuff into consideration. Anyway, we are only one house down from the stop and I know most of our neighbors now, thanks to Lily. And then I had to think, when I was a little 7 year old, I had a key around my neck, my bus fare in a little coin purse in my school bag and I had to schlep it home. And shit that was all the way from south Vancouver to my house. And instead of putting me in Tecumseh, where all my friends went, I had to go to Sir James Douglas, which I see is closed now. Uh huh. Thanks for a crappy two years of my life, SJD. Cough.
Anyway, see, what a fun trip down memory lane THAT was!
Alright, crap. Time to shower and head to the gym. Remember what I say: no one likes a stinker at the gym. You can't hold your breath while running. *eyes*
Oh yeah, and Pedro is off to Alabama today to buy a gun at a military resale location. He had to go through a lot to be able to do this so I'm excited for him. It's his birthday present to himself. :)
Next up: gun safe.
PS (I never thought I'd be girly about guns but I saw a hot pink Beretta and nearly peed myself)
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