Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Well, Madi is the chief crankypants in the house.  Then probably Lily.  I'm a close third.

OMG  My asthma is back!  Shit fire.  And I had a good run at the gym.  Then I got that tickle.  Then that barking cough.  grrrrr  I have to try to find all of the parts to my vaporizer.  I guess cold, dry air can exacerbate asthma.  *eyes*

Poor Madi is going bald cuz she keeps yanking her hair out when she tantrums.  I figured she'd stop because it hurts but nope.  I showed her teacher today who said that I have to protect Madi from herself and told me what to do.  I said, okay, I'll try and she said, trying wasn't good enough.  Okay, bitchface you come cook dinner because Madi screams and yells (and broke two lightbulbs yesterday) every time I walk away from her.  I can't walk the dog, I can't get Lily a snack or a drink.  I can't talk on the damn phone.  So yeah, you come live my life for me and I'll hold Madi's hands so she can't pull her hair out.

When I said I'll try, I'll damn well try.

Told ya I was cranky.  I like how the specialists seem to forget about this little thing called life that parents have to go through.  Madi's been numero uno for a very long time.  In my opinion, she can learn a little patience. Yesterday, I was wondering if they made straight jackets for kids....

The good part is that the tantruming is kind of a 2 year old thing so that means Madi's development is moving along.  I'm trying to remember what she did yesterday.  She was behind me and pulling my hair so I leaned back slowly to squish her and she stopped yanking on my hair but called me a bitch.

Oh yeah.

Woohooo!  *eyes*

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