Saturday, March 5, 2011

rough night

Miss Madi kept me up a lot last night. Pedro came in to see if I wanted help. I thought it was like 6am. He said it was 2:30. I thought it was 6 because I didn't get a lot of sleep after that. So you can imagine how I feel today.

I have to admit this is hard. Really hard. I did run into a friend who said her son is only now sleeping through the night and he's 4. So I know I'm not the only one. It is nice having someone to talk to who can relate. A lot of mothers, I'm sure, think it might not be as bad as I'm making it out, etc. I mean, if you have 3 kids and they're all in bed by 7pm, you can't really relate to someone whose child falls asleep at 10:30pm and wakes up all night. gah

Anyway, I'm off to get some groceries and run about 30 errands. With gas prices getting so high, I don't go into town unless I NEED to. This will probably help me lose weight as I'm not going to just drive into town to get cupcakes. :P

And yes, this is a crown that Lily made in pre-school. I think it's better than any I ever made. She is awesome. :) And no, Pedro didn't punch me in the face - Lily did my makeup.

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