Friday, November 12, 2010


Okay so Pedro's going postal over the sparse blog updates. If he'd only join Facebook... No, then he'd know all the bad things I say about him. :P

I did have other pictures from the trip to Canada but none of them were coming off of the camera - some error issue. They finally downloaded this morning. phew

I'm too tired to think straight - Madi kept me up a lot last night. Poor thing. So here are some pictures, y'all are smart and you'll figure them out.


Anonymous said...

Lily does not look happy. I wish she was close by so I could spend some time with her. She has a wonderful imagination. Hey Lily, hey Lily, my Lily. :)

LzyMom said...

She's almost always having a good time. We went out to get cat food today and she charmed them into letting her into the grooming area where she proceeded to play with all the dogs.

Wherever she goes, she has a good time. Usually.

Anonymous said...

I am glad she is such a charmer. She takes after her mother that way. Always a diva, always getting what she wants. :)