Saturday, March 17, 2012


I hope I'm not tooting my own horn too much but I'm amazed at how much weight I've lost and how in shape I am. I know, I'm not the best athlete ever. :) I'm just proud of me. :) I haven't lost much this year, but I expected that. The more you lose, the harder it gets.

I had to do some emergency shorts shopping yesterday. My old favs from last year were sliding off of my butt every 3 steps. I had to have a firm hold on my britches when I went out to get the mail. So, the girls were good and relatively patient while I tried new ones on yesterday. I'm just amazed when I hold up my new shorts. I think, there's no way I'll fit in those, they look so small. And ta da! I do.

One small observation (ha, no pun intended): I have some denim skirts from years ago that I never fit into and I was determined to wear them at least once. I can wear them now but they are higher in number than the shorts I got. My new shorts are 14 and my skirts are 16 and 18. I've noticed that sizes are getting larger. I guess to fit a larger population.

Anyhoo, it feels good to be lighter. I have noticed however, that I really need to fix my nutrition. I eat abominably. Yeah, I watch my calories, but this means that I'll have a cupcake for lunch and nothing else. Or I'm in a hurry to get the girls after I've been to the gym so I'll have a poptart. I'm not replacing the nutrients that my body needs and because I'm demanding more and more out of my body every week, I'm starting to feel like crap. So I bought three new cookbooks. Vegetarian, whole foods cookbooks. One of them has raw recipes. Who doesn't like not having to cook?

I can't wait to try the chocolate pudding made with tofu.


I even have a lot of kale for my smoothies. People roll their eyes at me and Pedro said he'd rather eat his own poop, but I already drink the Green Machine smoothies at the grocery store and those suckers cost $3 for a small bottle. It's not just kale - it's banana, blueberries, peaches, etc. It actually comes off sweet. Or you know, so I hope. :)

Anyhoodle, got to make my way to Wal-mart. I have to get birthday presents and bullets. I love my life. :)

No, really. :)

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