Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sad *squish, squish*

It looks like male peen enhancement spam has finally found its way to my little blog. I've been holding out using any comment approval thingie, but seriously.

We just got back from a nice visit with g-ma, g-pa and Aunt Nicole. I'm a little worn out though. M woke up half way through the drive home and started wailing. I stopped close to home and gave her a few ounces of formula, which pacified her somewhat. But it wasn't until we got home that I found out she'd had a super soaker and her blanket was wet.

Well, let me feed Ms M because she is kicking the heck out of her highchair.

* You'll only get this reference if you love AbFab*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:):)):) g-ma