Thursday, May 7, 2015

Coffee and Coughee

I know.  That title sucks.  Pedro is home sick with a nasty sounding cough.  He was also up with Madi half the night so he's down for the count.  I had some Death Wish coffee.  Yes, it's a real thing and yes, it's very powerful.  It's also not cheap so I figure I use it when I need it.  Which is every day.  Amirite?

I finally, FINALLY, applied to a job today.  It's as a school bus driver.  I've tried very hard in the past to make my life fit a 40 hour week schedule and failed.  This job, if I get it, is on the girls' school schedule.  They get a day off, I get a day off.  And if I only do one run morning and afternoon, I still have a few hours to myself each day.  Sounds pretty darn good to me. 

I like working and making money.  Feeling productive.  But the kids.  Oi.  Last Friday, Pedro and I had made plans and then they called from school that Madi was inconsolable.  Took her to the dr, who said she looked fantastic and then Madi proceeded to destroy the house.  It's like, wuh?  My point being, the kids, especially Madi, make it very hard to work a 40 hour week with any sort of guarantee that I'll actually get in all of those hours. 

Anyway, onwards and upwards. 

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