Well this is big news. In my world, anyway. Madi slept from 11:30 (I know!) at night until 6 this morning whence upon I stuck a pacifier in her mouth, rolled her over and got her to fall back asleep until 9. So I feel half human. Maybe just a quarter. I think the night before she slept from 10:30 til 7:30 but woke me up at 1:30. I still got almost 6 hours in a row. I know some of you might be thinking, so what? Well the night before that, Pedro watched her and she kept him up from 2am until 5. He came and got me at 5. I finally got her to sleep at 6. It's been like that for a month. Really.
I've come to the conclusion that Madi might just not need as much sleep as other babies. She has a short nap in the morning, a couple of hours in the afternoon, then she's good until really late at night. I'm hoping that after getting her on some kind of routine that I can start waking her up earlier to get her to bed earlier. Cuz in all honesty, I stay up reading a book waiting for her to fall asleep. I'm tired of fighting with her to get her to sleep earlier. Like I tell Pedro, you can't make someone fall asleep.
I guess that's it. I just sort of limp through my days. Don't feel sorry for me, I just need sleep. :)